Open Heavens 27 October 2023 Friday – Taming The Flesh
MEMORISE: “This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.” Galatians 5:16
READ: Galatians 5:16-25 Open Heavens 27 October 2023
16 But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you won’t fulfill the lust of the flesh.
17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, that you may not do the things that you desire.
18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
19 Now the deeds of the flesh are obvious, which are: adultery, sexual immorality, uncleanness, lustfulness,
20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, strife, jealousies, outbursts of anger, rivalries, divisions, heresies,
21 envy, murders, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these; of which I forewarn you, even as I also forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit God’s Kingdom.
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith,
23 gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
24 Those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts.
25 If we live by the Spirit, let’s also walk by the Spirit.
Open Heavens 27 October 2023

MESSAGE: – Open Heavens 27 October 2023 Friday Daily Devotional
The flesh is a very powerful weapon in the hands of the devil. Galatians 5:17 says the flesh and the Spirit are always in constant war against each other. The flesh always wants you to commit sin, while the Spirit wants you to please God. If the flesh wins the battle, then ultimately, the devil has won over your soul; that is why you must put your flesh under your control at all times, and one of the major ways to do that is to fast often.
Only a few select people have fasted for forty days and forty nights. The only three recorded for us in the Scriptures are Moses, Elijah and Jesus Christ. It will interest you to know that only the three of them were there on the mount of transfiguration, glowing like the sun. Today’s message is not for the faint-hearted; it is for those who really want to grow. Don’t let anybody tell you that fasting ended when Jesus Christ said, “It is finished” on the cross; fasting is for now.
In Matthew 9:14-15, some people came to Jesus Christ and complained about His disciples not fasting. He said that after His death, resurrection and ascension, the people would fast. Fasting is for now, and we will fast until the Bridegroom returns. When He returns, there will be no need for fasting anymore because 1 John 3:2 says that when He returns, we shall see and be like Him. When the rapture comes, those who are not dead will have their bodies transformed to become like the body of the Lord Jesus Christ. At that time, we won’t need food; whatever He eats in His new body is what we will be eating, but until then, while your body is still the way it is, warring against the Spirit, you must fast to remain in the light of Christ.
There are those who will tell you fasting is not for the age of grace. They are big liars. Paul – the Apostle of Grace, said in 2 Corinthians 11:27 that he fasted often. He fasted often so he could subdue the flesh, and it would not cause him to be cast aside (1 Corinthians 9:24-27). Apostle Paul said many people run a race, but only one will win. If you want to enter the Kingdom of God, then you must make fasting your lifestyle.
Action Point – Open Heavens 27 October 2023
Set apart days in the year for fasting and praying.
Open Heavens 27 October 2023 Friday Hymn
HYMN 17: – Praise My Soul The King Of Heaven
1. Praise, my soul, the King of heaven;
To his feet your tribute bring.
Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven,
Evermore his praises sing.
Alleluia, alleluia!
Praise the everlasting King!
2. Praise him for his grace and favor
To his people in distress.
Praise him, still the same as ever,
Slow to chide, and swift to bless.
Alleluia, alleluia!
Glorious in his faithfulness!
3. Fatherlike he tends and spares us;
Well our feeble frame he knows.
In his hand he gently bears us,
Rescues us from all our foes.
Alleluia, alleluia!
Widely yet his mercy flows!
4. Angels, help us to adore him;
You behold him face to face.
Sun and moon, bow down before him,
Dwellers all in time and space.
Alleluia, alleluia!
Praise with us the God of grace!
I pray you will be blessed for reading Today’s Open Heaven Daily Devotional, The Almighty God will continue to direct your and your family’s path as we all head to heaven. Kindly ensure you purchase the hard copy This Year Open Heaven Devotional from your Local Redeemed Christian Church of God Parishes or Book Shop. Read Yesterday Open Heavens for 26 October 2023 Thursday.
Remember to always share the Gospel and the Word of God to everyone close to you, Heaven is real and God is coming soon. As you do so the God of Pastor E.A Adeboye will continue to bless you and your family. Amen. Open Heaven 27 October 2023 Friday.
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